Why Leads Suck
Does your company focus on qualified lead opportunities or Lead Quantity?
Best in Class vs. Standard Lead Generation
A significant reason why sales forces don't meet quota has to do with the fact that the word "lead" is so misunderstood. Companies can’t even decide what to call them: sales lead, qualified sales opportunity, sales-ready opportunity, marketing qualified opportunity, suspect, prospect, opportunity, pipeline and hundreds of other words or phrases are used to replace the word "lead" because leads are so misunderstood and have such a bad name.
Leads are the life blood of any organization; and the lack of clarity about what a lead is, how it should be generated, by whom and how it should be worked and tracked is what causes most companies to suffer set-backs or failure. Too, the process of defining, generating, working and tracking leads is a lot more complex than most people think because there are a lot of moving parts and there are a lot interactions between people that are missed and/or misunderstood.
Sequence or cadence management frequently automate bad processes; and make it easier to get more poor-quality leads to sales faster than ever before.
An agreed upon lead definition is the first step in our 12-Point Revenue-Focused Marketing Process. Let’s talk about exactly what it takes to make the necessary changes in your processes and what you should expect from the effort. It might surprise you that an efficient method of prospect development will produce more revenue at a lower cost.
Reach out to me. Dan McDade at dan.mcdade@prospect-experience.com or by calling 770-262-9021